Relieving Jaw Pain with NUCCA/AO

by Dr. Christopher Chapman D.C. - Utah

The gateway to the digestive system is the mouth. The jaw, tongue and other facial structures work together to accomplish the first essential step of digestion. TMD (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction/disorder) is a disorder of the jaw joints, and is often accompanied by severe pain, headaches, neck pain, poor digestion, sleeping and airway disorders. We need to keep in mind that the optimal treatment of the jaw joints and occlusion (bite related issues) should be performed in the context of a balanced upper cervical spine and head. The NUCCA/AO procedure, because it addresses head and neck alignment, can restore this essential anatomical balance between the head, neck and jaw. It is clear from my 14 years of clinical experience that TMD disorders, even advanced cases, respond well with NUCCA/AO treatment.

Malpositions of the head and neck are often associated with the common jaw disorder TMD, also known as TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction) or TMJ Syndrome. The jaw joint is a hinge joint which is literally suspended and anchored in its normal position by the muscles of the head, neck, chest, shoulder and back.

TMD Syndrome occurs when the normal functional position of the jaw joints shift into an irregular position and a grinding use-pattern develops. This abnormal use-pattern and position can cause the sufferer of the syndrome a significant amount of pain and inflammation, making chewing, sleeping and even speaking difficult. The pain symptoms are quite diverse. Jaw disorders can refer pain to the head, neck and upper back. Pain can also be felt in the face and in the teeth. Conventional dental treatments can be quite expensive and time intensive, and can range in price from $5,000 to $50,000 and upwards, and can include surgeries, electrical stimulation, physical therapy, respiration therapy and medication for pain.

TMD sufferers often find significant and lasting relief upon the first correction with NUCCA/Atlas Orthogonal procedure. My clinical protocols have resolved TMD and its associated syndromes for hundreds of patients over the last 12 years. I feel that TMJ disorders should be assessed in the context of the entire head and neck region, and clinically considered as a potent "side-effect" of a structural dysfunction stemming from the head and neck misalignment. Hense, TMD can often be addressed effectively by addressing an underlying imbalance in this area.

What I have found in clinical practice is: TMD treatments utilizing NUCCA/AO protocols as a core corrective procedure have been highly successful. Another thing I have observed is that when the patients head and neck are restored to a normal aligned position through the NUCCA or Atlas Orthogonal procedures, this alignment significantly enhances the patient's TMD dental protocols and treatment, and, in a high number of cases, can entirely resolve the syndrome within several weeks of the alignment procedure. The result can be: quicker healing, less down-time, significant financial savings and over-all improvement in quality of life.

If you are dealing with a TMJ issue or jaw pain presently, and whether you are working with a dentist or not, I advise you to seek an examination/consultation for the NUCCA/Atlas Orthogonal procedure and research further how it could positively impact your therapy.

Doctor Christopher Chapman is a Board Certified Chiropractic Physician located in Provo, Utah. He is the Clinic Director for Balance Point Clinics, Inc.-dba-NUCCA Spinal Centers a registered internship facility that correlates field study for interested and qualified health professionals in association with Brigham Young University.