Cardiovascular Food For Thought

By David Christopher M.H.

ABC news sent a young healthy reporter to the University of Maryland Medical Center to see what effects one fatty meal would have on her arteries. She consumed a deep fried macaroni and cheese appetizer from The Cheesecake Factory, an Applebee's bacon cheeseburger wrapped in a quesadilla and a giant cookie with ice cream from Uno Chicago for dessert. This meal amounted to 6,190 calories of which 187 grams were saturated fat. Two hours later her normally healthy arterial system was struggling to keep blood flowing as if she had heart disease. If one extreme meal can have such a devastating, but luckily temporary effect on her Cardiovascular System just think what happens over a lifetime of poor choices. To see this report - click here

Unfortunately, most Americans already have cardiovascular disease or are quickly working their way to it. To save these individuals, the Dr. Christopher mucusless diet is essential - coupled with his four basic cleansing formulas and his circulation formula. Getting people to change their diet is difficult, but the following suggestions if followed, might help them enough to convince them to make the necessary changes in their lives.

There is a certain heart attack risk that won't show up on any EKG or on any blood test. But several University studies (October 2010 Bottom Line/Health Publication) show an increase in cardiovascular disease of up to seven times, for people who interrupt conversations. The cure doesn't even require a change of personality. These people merely need to focus on being silent while others are talking. Blood pressure immediately lowers and stress hormone levels drop.
It is well known that nitric oxide (N.O.) relaxes and dilates blood vessels. A lack of N.O. contributes to increased rigidity of the vascular walls. Your body produces nitric oxide from nitrates in foods. These nitrates in foods are converted to nitrites by friendly bacteria residing in the crypts of the tongue. They accomplish this via nitrate reductase enzymes. Then when nitrite rich saliva comes in contact with stomach acid it is converted to nitrous acid and then decomposes to nitric oxide. Nitrites consumed in the diet (i.e. nitrites found in cold cuts and bacon) will not convert to nitric oxide and may destroy the pathway, thus contributing to cardiovascular disease. Mouthwashes may also interfere with this pathway by killing the bacteria instrumental in creating nitric oxide. If this pathway has been destroyed, there are three foods that can be used to create nitric oxide. 1) Beets, nature's highest source of nitrates, 2) Hawthorne berries, nature's highest source of nitrate reductase, and 3) melons providing the amino acid catalyst L-Citrulline. These three foods can lower blood pressure, make the vascular system more flexible.