Back re-alignment, Osteoarthritis, Bone Spurs

Daniela asks:

I have three ribs out of alignment in my back and my spine is generally out as well. Would it help to take Dr Christopher's BF&C (now known as Complete Tissue & Bone) while I am getting chiropractic adjustments to realign my ribs and spine? I also have beginning osteoarthritis in my neck with small bone spurs. Will BF&C help my condition?"

We've actually had patients take the Complete Tissue & Bone Formula under the direction of a chiropractor for both of these conditions.

This formula is the formula people get the best results with when they deal with bone spurs and arthritis. In fact, we have seen arthritis totally reversed with this formula.

If you drink a lot of soda or sugary beverages, though, expect to keep your bone spurs and the arthritis. Refined foods such as white flour, white bread, excessive milk and soda all leech calcium from the body as well.

If these foods are out of the diet, then we work with the Complete Tissue and Bone formula as well as 2-3 TBS of apple cider vinegar to dissolve the inorganic calcium build up. Also, provide organic calcium with either herbs or good diet, and then we fully expect results. You can get good organic calcium from Dr. Christopher's Calcium Formula.

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